Freddy has been saying it for years....'it' bags are out. In his 'humble' opinion, once everyone has the same bag it starts to lose its mystique. This is why F&M offers custom handbags, we like to think everyone wants something a bit more unique than the next woman on the subway. The Wall Street Journal has a very interesting article today discussing this decline of the 'it' bag. It is definitely worth taking a look at.
A few choice quotes:
"The 'it' bag isn't important any more," says Stephanie Solomon, women's fashion director at Bloomingdale's. "It's all about looking different from your neighbor."
"I felt like, 'Gee, all these bags are so attainable by a lot of people that everyone's carrying around that bag,' " says Ms. Weisburd, a 59-year-old homemaker who lives in New York City. "I wanted something that was more exclusive."