Since moving in with my husband a little over a year ago, we've been working on combining our respective styles. His: ultra sleek modern, gray, stainless...mine: vintage, colorful, patterned, eclectic, feminine. I came up with a concept that we could both get into...working title is something like "pacific northwest" but it's a bit military, a bit retro summer camp, a bit science nerd, and splashes of primary color against modern and vintage industrial pieces (our time at the Ace Hotel in NYC and our honeymoon at the Ace in Palm Springs had some influence). One of the key pieces is our current coverlet, a huge Hudson Bay Blanket with bold stripes in red, yellow, green and navy, purchased in the sweltering heat at Brimfield this past July. It's a completely ridiculous choice when you have pets that shed, but I'm in love with it...and the many variations available from Pendleton. This photo is from our apartment in Brooklyn, soon I will have new photos from Colorado. Cool gift idea, don't you think?